Welcome to Hogwarts

Welcome to The Leaky Cauldron, your portal to the world of harry potter. This project dedicates itself to enhancing the original jim dale harry potter audiobooks by adding sound effects, ambience, reverb, music and more to enhance the experience and truly immerse you into the story and the world

Did you ever wish you could be that wizard that went to hogwarts? And go on adventures with your friends? These audiobooks are meant to let you feel like you are there more with the characters and going through the school years with or even as Harry.

At the moment the project is still under construction. Four books have been released thus far. These will still need fixes here and there. But are nearly in a finished state. Halfblood prince will be under construction for the coming year 2024

I hope you enjoy your time here, and if you do consider sharing the site with others and maybe dropping a small donation. Enjoy!

Consider supporting the project, every bit helps!

Thank you everyone